Deplorable luxury Gucci
autumn winter 2015/2016
The model presents colorful-feministic preparing for the winter war, with minimal makeup and a menacing look or boss, or neighbor, or cave women in furs and colors.
Perhaps lambskin
shoes, but shoes, trimmed with long fur - bold, unusual, but impractical,
especially in Metropolitan areas. Heels, though not very high, prepare us
feeling broken heel, which we try hard not to break down completely.
combination of winter hats with pompoms of the Soviet period and the beautiful
costume is the desire of our mothers, so the head was always in heat!
Accessories with sleeves and collars stand out, it seems that they complement
the images of the models, but like from another collection. This is Gucci
fall-winter 2015/2016.
RU: Плачевная роскошь Gucci осень зима 2015/2016
Gucci – синоним роскоши и успеха уже несколько десятилетий, но последняя коллекция показала, что о роскоши нам надо забыть, или забыть отчасти. Модели представлены цветасто-феминистично, готовящиеся к зимней войне, с минимальным макияжем и грозным взглядом то ли начальницы, то ли соседки, то ли пещерной женщины в мехах и цветах.